Why TDCX - Scale Faster - We Set up teams efficiently by going digital to engage talents on a global scale Why TDCX - Scale Faster - We Set up teams efficiently by going digital to engage talents on a global scale 

Scale Faster

Assemble a Team in Quick Time

Scale Faster

Anyone around the world can apply for a career virtually at TDCX. Flash Hire comprises analytical assessments in the areas of language, attitude and problem solving alongside video interviews. With over 50,000 profiles in our database (and counting), clients can tap into diverse capabilities and skill sets without worrying about geographical limitations.

Engage Talents from Anywhere

Anyone around the world can apply for a career virtually at TDCX. Flash Hire comprises analytical assessments in the areas of language, attitude and problem solving alongside video interviews. With over 50,000 profiles in our database (and counting), clients can tap into diverse capabilities and skill sets without worrying about geographical limitations.


How it Works

Seamless Access

Virtual platform that works on all devices and operating systems, thus removing logistic barriers, resulting in reduction of hiring time by up to 62%

Gauge Competency

Automated assessments on talents’ attitude and aptitude; personality, resiliency, and behavioral traits including a self-recorded video interview and an option for recruiters to personalize assessments

Best-fit Talents

75% match of job seekers’ profile to desired candidate profile, with a propensity model comparing between actual and desired results to fine-tune a search

Seamless Access

Virtual platform that works on all devices and operating systems, thus removing logistic barriers, resulting in reduction of hiring time by up to 62%

Gauge Competency

Automated assessments on talents’ attitude and aptitude; personality, resiliency, and behavioral traits including a self-recorded video interview and an option for recruiters to personalize assessments

Best-fit Talents

75% match of job seekers’ profile to desired candidate profile, with a propensity model comparing between actual and desired results to fine-tune a search

Methodology that Works

Anyone around the world can apply for a career virtually at TDCX. Flash Hire comprises analytical assessments in the areas of language, attitude and problem solving alongside video interviews. With over 50,000 profiles in our database (and counting), clients can tap into diverse capabilities and skill sets without worrying about geographical limitations.

Hire fast and hire right